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Advertising Sponsorships

Written in the Northwest Bookfair has several sponsorship opportunities for companies and other organizations which love books and may appeal to readers and authors. As this is a family-friendly and fun event which welcomes all, we do not accept ads from political groups. 

Attendance: We are planning for a reach of 1200 attendees through out the day. We will also have 80 audience members and their assistances. 

Reading Room Sponsorship



There will be the awards ceremony and 12 Author Readings throughout the day in a room and that room could be called [Your company Name] Reading Room. It will have a 33x 79 inch banner outside the door with your company name emblazoned on the top of the banner. We can also do the color fields in company colors if you have current color codes.  

You will also have your company name listed in

  • Physical Program 1/8 ad on the page with the Reading Schedule

  • The online schedule

  • The flyer schedule at the reading room.

  • We will also do monthly Instagram Posts featuring your company or your logo in September, October, and November.  


Physical Program

We are having a 5.5 x 8.5 full-color 16 page program printed on 80lb gloss paper. We have ads of several sizes for different budgets. 

Full Page Interior = $150

1/2 Page Interior = $80

1/4 Page Interior = $50


Special Ads See Below

Program Cover. Sasquatch reading book

Dining Map Sponsor $250

We will be listing nearby restaurants on one page of the program. Your restaurant will be listed first and have a larger icon with your sign image on the page. 

This sponsorship includes a 1/8 ad on bottom of page and we will do two visits to restaurant for Facebook and Instagram Posts. (While we will let you know when posts are up, but we will just be dining with family.)

Author Map $250

The map will be a 2 page spread in the physical program with a 1/8 add spread over both pages. 

This is the page everyone will be referring to over and over! 

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